The focus of the team is on the development of finite element-based computational approaches to solving application-specific problems from industry and research. The areas of application range from drive technology to energy-related issues and the design of lightweight composite structures. To this end, the team is involved in the development of customized simulation tools and their integration into automated calculation chains for practical use in industrial environments.
The team's research and development activities concentrate on:
- Combining mechanical and thermal calculations
- Nonlinear material behaviour
- Contact simulation
- Modal vibration analyses
- FE model reduction method
- Multi-body simulations

Finite element analysis by engineers for engineers
One focus of the FEM-team is the continuous development of Z88, which provides freeware solutions for finite element analysis. The Z88-family includes the open source version Z88OS, a comfortable version with graphical user interface, Z88Aurora®, the topology optimization software Z88Arion® based on Z88Aurora® and the mobile versions Z88Tina and Z88Mobile. All programs are available as freeware: www.z88.de
Customized calculation tools for industry
In addition, application-specific calculation tools are developed, which are adapted to the corresponding research projects and requirements of our industrial partners.
Partner of the Research Association for Drive Technology
The German Research Association for Drive Technology (FVA) is the world's most successful and largest research and innovation network in drive technology. Industry and research centers work together to create new knowledge, efficiencies and insights. The advancement of drive technology is the goal of the FVA. With our finite element programs we contribute customized and high-performance simulation tools for this purpose. These software solutions for modeling, parameterization and calculation, especially of transmission systems, are brought together by FVA in one structured development environment, the FVA Workbench: powered by Z88.